Libro d'inverno e calendario 2022 di Asako Hishiki
Designed as an orihon 折本, it is a folding book. The design is made with silographic woodblock with the traditional Japanese mokuhanga technique. The accordion shape recalls in the zig zag pattern, the folding structure of ancient Japanese screens. The book is the first of a series designed by the artist in reference to the suggestions of the season. In this case, in fact, some winter plants present both in ours and in the Japanese cultural tradition too, have been selected such as: yadorighi mistletoe 宿 木, plum ume 梅, narcissus suisen 水仙. It can be displayed as a collector's book on shelves or bookcase compartments. Costo libro e calendario
Libro d’artista di Asako Hishiki in formato orihon 148 x 210 mm (A5): costo 18.00 euro IVA compresa.
Calendario di Asako Hishiki in formato 297×420 mm (A3): costo 13.00 euro IVA compresa.
Libro e calendario è possibile di acquistare su Shop Etsy by Galleria Paraventi giapponesi
Informazioni Galleria Nobili - Paraventi Giapponesi Via Marsala, 4 Milano ( zona Moscova) + 39 02 655 1681